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This is how we do it

At the Kírópraktorstöðin, we pride ourselves on helping you achieve your health goals. By combining expertise and specialized knowledge that covers the entire health spectrum in chiropractic, we make it possible.

Kírópraktorstöðin has been in operation since 1995. During that time, we have helped over thirty thousand individuals achieve good health and a better life. Our experts have vast experience and a sincere interest in your well-being. They teach you to use the fundamental principles of chiropractic, including through our health line; a guide to improved quality of life.

Make an appointment and get a detailed diagnosis of the problem

First visit

What does the first visit to a chiropractor involve?

Pain and Musculoskeletal Problems

We specialize in treatments for various symptoms


Do you want better posture and improved well-being?

Excellent service in every way. A great introductory meeting at the beginning of the treatment, where you go over what chiropractic is all about and everything is explained. Friendly reception. I have been with Ranna and Ingó and they are excellent.


My quality of life has improved since I made my trips to the Chiropractor Center and I have managed both ailments and bad habits with the help of this wonderful staff. I always look forward to the next class and my energy multiplies.


Highly recommend! Bergur is awesome, so funny and always nice to come to him. He has absolutely saved my back! Gets all my recommendations.


Great staff that always welcomes you with a smile on their face. I’ve been at the practise for a few years and to tell the truth, the treatment I’ve had from the very beginning has been professional and focused. I had been seeking help in many places for a long time for problems related to headaches and dizziness, but it wasn't until after starting treatment with them that my life changed for the better...


Highly recommend! Bergur is awesome, so funny and always nice to come to him. He has absolutely saved my back! Gets all my recommendations.


I think that going to the chiropractor is one of the most important links regarding my health.


Great service in every way. Good introduction meeting at the start of treatment where chiropractic and the treatment itself is explained. Friendly reception. Have had treatment with Ranni and Ingó and they are great.


My rock has kept me going for more or less 20 years. It’s safe to say I always leave Kírópraktorstöðin smiling and my body feels MUCH better. You are great!


It's safe to say that I always leave the Chiropractic Center with a smile on my face and MUCH better in my body.


It’s always nice to drop by and prepare for the everyday challenges! Chiropractic have saved me from at least two surgeries in the lower back and right shoulder. I can do CrossFit training as if there is no tomorrow and almost anything I want to do. Thank you.


Our Chiropractors


Bergur Konráðsson

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa after 5 years of college education. He worked in the state of Illinois after completing his studies and has been working in Iceland since 1995.

Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa after 5 years of college. He worked after completing his studies in the state of Illinois and has worked in Iceland since 1995. Bergur is a leading chiropractor in Iceland and has been on the board and a member of the Chiropractor Association since the beginning. Bergur is very interested in promoting chiropractic in Iceland and has, among other things, brought in foreign lecturers and helped Icelandic students get into chiropractic studies abroad. Bergur regularly attends continuing education in chiropractic abroad. In 2010, Bergur went to Haiti for voluntary work as a chiropractor, and a year later he went to New Orleans with the organization Habitat for Humanity to rebuild housing.

Ingólfur Ingólfsson

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2006 from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Ingólfur was introduced to the chiropractic lifestyle through severe back pain that significantly affected him as a junior national badminton player.

Útskrifaðist sem Doctor of Chiropractic árið 2006 frá Palmer College of Chiropractic í Davenport, Iowa. Ingólfur kynntist kírópraktískum lífsstíl í gegnum erfið bakmeiðsli sem höfðu veruleg áhrif á hann sem unglingalandsliðsmann í badminton. Eftir meðhöndlun hjá Bergi ákvað Ingólfur að verða kírópraktor. „Flest mín meiðsli voru afskrifuð sem vaxtaverkir. Hjá Bergi snerist meðferðin ekki aðallega um verkina sjálfa heldur frekar um orsökina fyrir þeim.“
Ingólfur ákvað að gerast kírópraktor til að fleiri geti fengið að kynnast því hversu öflugur og góður lífsstíll kírópraktík er.

Þuríður (Rúrý) Guðmundsdóttir

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Rúrý worked at Kiropraktorstöðin reception from 2006-2011, for 5 years, and became acquainted with chiropractic during that time.

Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Rúrý worked in the reception at Bergi from 2006-2011 or for 5 years and got to know chiropractic during that time. Rúrý practiced gymnastics with Gerpla for 15 years, and after she tried receiving treatment from Berg, her life changed and all the back pain that had plagued her for many years disappeared in a few months. She became very interested in helping other people in this way and started studying in the fall of 2011. Rúrý is very interested in helping children with musculoskeletal problems, and she has volunteered in Haiti three times, where she treated and helped many children. Rúrý has also specialized in the Graston Technique, which is a technique designed to release tension between the skin and muscles and joint healing in the membranes between them.

Rannver Sigurjónsson

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Rannver was previously a youth national team soccer player and became the Icelandic champion in 2010 with Breiðablik.

Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. In previous years, Rannver was a member of the youth national soccer team and became Iceland's champion in 2010 with Breiðablik. In 2011, Rannver started Crossfit and soon became a trainer at Crossfit Reykjavík and trained there for over 4 years with a very good reputation. Rannver met Berg at the Chiropractor Center when he was looking for solutions to back and neck pain, general well-being and better results in Crossfit. It was there that he became interested in becoming a chiropractor when he saw how much chiropractic helped him. Rannver is determined that he wants to help as many people as he can with Chiropractic.

Helena Bergsdóttir

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Helena has been familiar with chiropractic since birth as her father, Bergur Konráðsson, is a pioneer of chiropractic in Iceland.

Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Helena has known chiropractic since birth, as her father, Bergur Konráðsson, is a pioneer in chiropractic in Iceland. After matriculation, Helena worked at the front desk as a chiropractor's assistant for 2 years before starting a chiropractic program. Helena is very interested in helping families with musculoskeletal problems achieve a better quality of life. Helena has attended all kinds of education and courses abroad in chiropractic over the years. Her main interests are the outdoors, fitness and travelling.

Bjarki Pálsson

Graduated as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Bjarki has practiced martial arts at Mjölnir since the age of 15 and has a great interest in all kinds of outdoor activities, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

Graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. Bjarki practiced martial arts at Mjölni from the age of 15 and is very interested in all kinds of outdoor activities, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Bjarka's main hobbies are golf, mountain biking and snowboarding. Bjarki got to know Chiropractic when he went to see Berg at the Chiropractic Center for a lower back problem. After a very good experience with chiropractic and solutions to his problems, Bjarki decided that he also wanted to work as a chiropractor and help other people achieve their health goals.

Lydia Kearney

Lydia graduated as a chiropractor from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, England. Lydia grew up in England and moved to Iceland in October 2022. She will manage the training center of the Chiropractic Station where she can integrate her chiropractic approach and expertise in training, mobility, and fitness.

Lydia útskrifaðist sem kírópraktor frá Anglo-European College of Chiropractic í Bournemouth, Englandi. Lydia ólst upp á Englandi og bjó þar allt þar til hún fluttist til Íslands í október árið 2022, en hingað á hún ættir að rekja.
Lydia hefur keppt í ýmsum íþróttum á háu stigi en má þar nefna rúgbí, íshokký og í seinni tíð CrossFit en þar liggur áhugi hennar einna helst, ásamt gífurlegum áhuga almennt á heilsu og líkamsrækt.
Hún kemur til með að stýra æfingamiðstöð Kírópraktorstöðvarinnar þar sem hún getur samþætt kírópraktíska nálgun sína og sérfræðikunnáttu í þjálfun, hreyfifærni og líkamsrækt, allt til þess að bæta líðan og heilsu skjólstæðinga sinna. Lydia notar ýmsar aðferðir í meðferðum sínum, þar á meðal Graston aðferðafræðina og mjúkvefslosun.
Þegar Lydia er ekki að starfa sem kírópraktor eða þjálfa CrossFit, þá nýtur hún þess að skoða Ísland og ganga á fjöll.
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